Find out how to get the most out of your new windows and doors by optimizing your budget, without compromising on the result of your work.

Cristina speaks English and will be able to support you in your requests.

Why Choose the ZeroProblem Consultancy?

Consultancy, Not Sales

We don’t sell you a product, we guide you in making the best choice for your home.

Personalized Solutions

An analysis of your needs that serves as the roadmap for the project.

Save Time and Trouble

Avoid future surprises with a detailed and transparent consultation.

Clarity from the Start

Clear and definitive advice from the first contact.

Detailed Report

Receive a report of over 20 pages with all technical specifications.

Year of expertise
Satisfied customers
0 00+
20 000+

How does my ZeroProblem Window Consultancy work? (Consulenza finestrenoproblem)

I am Daniele Cagnoni and I want to show you how you can purchase your new windows through my method: the “ZeroProblem Window” Consultancy.

The benefits of my method are certified by more than 3500 enthusiastic customers who have chosen accuracy and professionalism

 I’ve been using the the ZeroProblem window method every day for 26 years, to help you, as I do with my customers, in choosing windows for your home.

I can always Guarantee Results, and this is certified by the 3500 enthusiastic customers for whom I have worked in these past 26 years, installing more than 50,000 elements for them.

These are customers who I still assist as a GOOD ARTISAN, to take care of their purchase over time. My promise to them is that the value of my work must last beyond 30 years.

I encourage you to make an independent decision to trust me, entrusting yourself to my company forever. I have no interest in acquiring new clients, rather nurturing the relationship with them through my company promise: Guarantee Results.

90% of customers who order work from other craftsmen are not satisfied with the service provided and the system through which the service is provided.

What is more, customers often don’t want to learn about the companies to whom they have given their trust and money – they prefer to close the relationship knowing that they will lose all legal guarantees!

Clients who come to the shop confess these are the main problems they find when purchasing windows:

Craftsmen who promise you everything, are eager to have your signature on the quotation and then do not know how to handle your work properly.

Delays in work due to caotic and poor planning skills.

Lack of team vision, resulting in a destabilization of the working group.

Craftsmen who don't answer the phone anymore once work is done, because they see the customer as a burden and not as a resource.

Problems and criticalities that cannot be solved, forcing you to chase the craftsman on duty, without obtaining the solution you expect.

But it’s not their fault, of course. I admit that it is not easy to deal with construction work and be sure that everything runs as smooth as silk!

If you’ve come this far you may have already realized that I don’t want to convince you with products, discounts or promotions to have a turnover.

Products, discounts and promotions are fine with me, but only if I buy something that doesn’t have to be designed, customized and set-up!

It is okay to look at discounts for a new car, for the sofa and also for the furniture of the house… but it is not okay to rely on it for crafts and very technical work.

Here are the top 5 benefits you’ll get from entrusting me with your work

You have the advantage of interfacing with a Consultant and not with a salesperson; the objective of any salesperson is not to support you, rather to sell you something at all costs.

You will not only have a product price but an analysis of your needs; it will be put black on white and will remain the roadmap of your work.

Avoid wasting time and having problems in the future. Having too many quotes to choose from, you will just end up choosing the least worst.

You immediately have clear advice right after the first phone call with us. It will not take much time for you to realize if the prerequisites to get a “zero problem” job are there.

With the Windows Consultancy Report, you will have a document consisting of more than 20 pages detailing the technical aspects of the job to be done. You will have much more clarity, even to request other quotes and compare with other craftspeople.

The cost of the Consultancy ZeroProblem Windows, if you decide to choose me as a supplier, will be totally deducted from your purchase.

My ZeroProblem Windows Consultancy is the guarantee of your purchase process!

It is the only method that allows you to obtain a guaranteed and certified result, without problems and hiccups!

In 1999 I registered for VAT for windows maintenance because I had seen that I could be a support for many customers.

This has always kept me away from wanting to be a salesperson, remaining the trusted artisan of those who decide to rely on me.

These are the foundations to which I give the utmost attention, simply keeping in mind what I would expect when I do work for myself and my family.

Check out this testimonial from a person who has tried my method !

Cristiana, owner of a villa in the hills of Lucca, has realized very well how much value has been obtained with my Consultancy ZeroProblem Windows:

“Daniele is the Consultant who people like me – who don’t have an inkling about constructions and renovations – need when having to make considerable economic decisions. I really appreciated his professionalism and integrity, as well as his exquisite taste combined with functional knowledge of things.“
Cristina, Villa Owner in Lucca

The “zeroProblem” window consultancy is a real specification built on your needs!

No stones are left unturned + total reduction of risks and extra costs!

I will always provide you with the right solution, avoiding unnecessary waste of time and money.

My METHOD, can it work for you?
If not, I’ll tell you myself.

It is not my intention to sell at all costs.

Is the solution you choose the one that meets your needs?

I am a consultant before I am a salesperson.

Will the assembly be handled in a qualified manner, without any problems in the future?

That’s why I designed the Zero Problem Windows Warranty.

Ready to Start Your Window Project?

Schedule your free consultation today


Can you quantify how much work there is behind my consulting services?

To help you understand how much and what and I can do for you, I have outlined the following steps:

Customers who entrusted me with a project, often confess the tactics of other business people in the industry to acquire clients.

99% of them provide a quotation, but none of them tries to put together the solution to your problems.

Try it! Walk in any shop with measurements and a number of windows needs.. and you will come out with a nice quotation on paper.

I don’t want to sell you anything, and for this reason the ASSESSMENT phase is extremely important. I will give you a real interview with very specific questions elaborated by me over the years, to be as objective as possible!

We can see all the windows we want in the show room during the appointment with you, but during the previous assessment I will have already identified the best window for you!

I’m not talking about the color of the window or the handle – we’ll get to that later. I’m talking about technical choices due to your needs and the needs of the project.

There are some important technical criteria when we talk about windows and doors, and after the assessment I will be able to narrow the type of products that are right for you!

None of the other colleagues have done this for you and, let me tell you something… nobody will because they are.. that’s right… SALESPEOPLE!

Let’s get down to business! It is necessary to analyse the product and then… the wall.

There are many aspects to take into account that will validate the installation and the duration of the product assembly. It is important to understand the technical link between the product, windows and doors, with the wall of your house or the house you are going to build.

With only a quotation at hand, it would be difficult for you to have high expectations for results.

Only with a study of your needs will you have the certainty of working with full guarantees!

Now that we have talked, chosen the best windows for your needs and also assessed the entire phase of assembling, it would be a real shame to waste all these efforts and not turn them into something concrete.

Have we really worked hard to then get the usual one-pager with a quotation and prices of products? NO!

What I’ll do is write a full REPORT, including every aspect that we discussed and assessed.

After about 7 days from Phase 3, you will receive your paper REPORT. 

Only after having my Report at hand will you have reached the right level of knowledge to request quotations! You will do this by using references obtained with a trusted consultancy.

Contrary to my other colleagues, I hand over a document of about 25/30 pages; your personalized Report.

The document will also contain the expenses that you will have if you decide to trust me, as well as for advice and the purchase.

You can choose to work with me or with a colleague of mine, but the Report remains with you!

Only then will you be able to evaluate all the quotations critically, and no one can, even unintentionally, tell you something that isn’t true.

I will continue to work in a clear and diligent way, following the roadmap we’ve elaborated.

The technical verification phases will begin and, we will organize a small meeting to coordinate your preferences if there are other craftsmen on site.

you will not get excellent results without a clear planning.

Only qualified technicians will enter your home: my collaborators!

I won’t let you take any risks, no subcontracted craftsmen and no improvisation. My collaborators have received appropriate technical and behavioural trainings.

I will be your only contact and in case of problems you will not have to bounce back between salesperson and fitter; you have relied on a comprehensive and responsible company.

You have the guarantee of qualified personnel working under my supervision.

Over the years I have obtained the following qualifications thanks to training and assembly experience:

⇒ Professionist in the installation of CasaClima quality doors and windows

In 2009 I started the most qualified and formative course. I did it to give my customers the best, in terms of advice and assistance. 

⇒ Expert technician in the Installation of thermal insulation coat

Knowing how to install a window, connecting it correctly to an insulation coat, is an added value for your home.

Consultant on Controlled Mechanical Ventilation and Vmc Punctual

For 10 years I have been studying and installing air exchange systems with heat recovery, essential for energy saving at home.

Building site technician and consultant on airtightness of the building envelope

To eliminate thermal bridges, condensation and mould, you need to know the dynamics of airtightness and permeability.

It is not because I want to do more, they are essential skills for correctly installing new windows and doors.

Expert and technician on the management of counterframes

we have moved from iron counterframes to the most performing insulators. In 2005 I installed the first thermo-acoustic monoblocks.

I am capable of designing, producin and installing them independently.

Technical consultant on windows and insulation

I’m often requested to provide private consulting services when problems arise during the assembly or set-up of windows or doors.

My professionalism and skills are further guarantees of competence; no stone will be left unturned.


Andrea, the internal surveyor who coordinates the site, or myself will check that everything has been done as planned.

It is at this moment that my “Triple Warranty” will trigger!

I’m not talking about the product warranty, which hardly exceeds 5 years, I’m talking about the Diemme ZeroProblem Windows Warranty.


Alessandro is responsible for the service and maintenance.

With 26 years of work, and more than 50,000 elements installed in the homes of our customers, I can afford to have a person dedicated to the customer and the care of the products supplied and installed.

Our service validates your purchase for years and years.

Because I have developed a system with the maximum guarantee, and I will offer you:


We will agree on the final price before the start of the works. If during the course of the works we realize that something has not been budgeted, but it is necessary fo a good, quality work, I will bear the extra costs.


We guarantee the absence of drafts and water infiltrations from our windows and doors for 10 years! And if problems of this kind should occur, any additional work will be my responsibility.



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Show Room Viale Europa 1, 55012 Capannori Lucca
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Tel. 0583 990244 – Fax 0583 990977 – P.IVA 02114240464
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